Now you can buy Deep Fried Twinkies at the store

For the longest time, deep-fried Twinkies were a delicacy you could find and enjoy at state fairs and possibly well-equipped kitchens.

But now, Hostess is allowing Twinkie fans to enjoy the 86- year-old pastry from the comfort of their own home.

Hostess announced today, Friday, Aug. 12, that Deep Fried Twinkies will be available in the frozen food section at Walmart for the next three months, and after that will be available at other stores, according to the Associated Press.

The treats come in two flavors: chocolate and vanilla.
And the best part is, making Deep Fried Twinkies at home is a piece of cake (if you will). Just pull it out of the freezer and bake for six to eight minutes in the oven at 350 degrees.
You can also use a toaster oven at 350 degrees for eight to 10 minutes, or deep fry them for two-and-a-half to three minutes.

However, the question remains: will the frozen Deep Fried Twinkies match up to their freshly-fried state fair counterparts?

Only you can decide!

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