Dayton tattoo artists offer services to support Oregon District shooting victims

Tattoo artists across Dayton are coming together to show support for the community after the Oregon District shooting by hosting a tattooing event where all proceeds will go to the Dayton Foundation for victims of the tragedy.

Drawing Dayton Together: A tattoo pop-up parlor, will take place Aug. 30, from 3 to 11 p.m. at the Yellow Cab Tavern, 700 E. 4th St.

Tattoos will cost $50 each.

David Klaiber, an artist at Blue Byrd Tattoo in Dayton, encourages anyone interested in getting a tattoo to attend.

“Anybody who’s had tattoos before or was thinking about tattoos or has friends, they’re going to suggest it, it’s ink therapy,” he said.

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Klaiber said the interest in tattoos that show support or pride in Dayton have appeared more often after the Aug. 4 shooting.

The pop-up event is a good way for him and other tattoo artists to show support.

Artists from RocArt Tattoo, Blue Byrd Tattoo and Cloak and Dagger Tattoo, 10 to 15 in all, will offer their talent.

“We are all still working on the same community in that grassroots manner,” Klaiber said. “Competitors or not competitors, we’re doing this for the community that we live in.”

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