RECOVERY: Butler Twp. sports bar to reopen this weekend after repairing tornado damage

Wings Sports Bar & Grille’s ‘Inside Grand Opening’ starts Friday as rebuilding continues on patio

In the aftermath of the Memorial Day tornadoes that heavily damaged their business, the owners of Wings Sports Bar & Grille on North Dixie Drive in Butler Twp. vowed to come back "better than ever." Less than three months after making that vow, they’re about to take an important step toward doing just that, with a powerful assist from their staff.

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The sports bar's owners, Chad and Mary Macek, have announced on the Wings Sports Bar & Grille Facebook page that they will reopen the inside of the bar to business this weekend, on Friday, Aug. 23. The bar is located at 7902 N. Dixie Drive just south of York Commons.

“In regards to our friends and our ‘Displaced Wing’s Regulars,’ as they call themselves now, they have been so supportive and stopped by all the time to check in,” Chad Macek told this news outlet Monday night. “They will not be displaced much longer, and we can’t wait to have them back to their improved home. They have truly made all the effort worth it to come back, because Wing’s had become such an important part of their lives through the years.”

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The last three months “have been a journey for sure,” Macek said. “From learning way to much about insurance policies to Mary and our staff, who all stuck with us since the storm, taking on a majority of the interior remodeling. YouTube has made it possible for each of them to go into remodeling careers now if they chose to, and everything they worked on turned out great! I was blown away at what they were able to accomplish. ... I would put my wife and co-owner, Mary, and our staff (Courtney, Ashley, Brittney, Mystee and Sean) up against any remodeling crew in the area.”

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The patio, which appeared to suffer a direct blow from the tornado, will take longer to rebuild, but when it opens, it will be better than ever, Macek said.

“We have several more steps to go, but the new Hanger and patio will be well worth the wait,” Macek said. “Some highlights we can share include an expansion in patio size, addition of a second bar, and the new larger Hanger will have restrooms built in the back as well. We can’t wait for that phase to be complete in the coming weeks.”

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Special events are lined up for the “Inside Grand Reopening” weekend, including live music with Spungewurthy on Friday night, College Football Kickoff night at 7 p.m. Saturday with the University of Miami-University of Florida match-up, and live music with Metal of Honor on Saturday night.

The Maceks are shooting for an 11 a.m. opening time on Friday, but they suggest checking the Wings Sports Bar & Grille Facebook page to make sure no last-minute obstacles crop up.

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The Maceks also own and operate a second location of  Wings Sports Bar & Grille after buying and renaming Beef O’Brady’s in the Beaver Valley Shopping Center in Beavercreek in January 2019.

***ORIGINAL STORY (May 31, 2019)***

The owners of Wings Sports Bar & Grille on North Dixie Drive in Butler Twp. are vowing to come back "better than ever" after the pub was damaged in the Memorial Day tornadoes.

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Chad and Mary Macek, owners of the pub at 7902 N. Dixie Drive in Butler Twp., told this news outlet that the damage was “pretty bad, and we are all devastated. The patio is gone. In the main building, there is a lot of exterior cleanup needed and damage. ... but we will be back and better than ever when ready! Just need to keep our heads up and be thankful no one was hurt!”

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Chad Macek posted a picture of the couple’s damaged business on the sports bar’s Facebook page with the following message:

First and foremost what a week for everyone in the area, our thoughts and prayers are with all of those impacted by the storms Monday night. We were lucky when seeing and hearing about others. It's amazing to us there have not been more deaths and injuries as you see the damage. As you are most aware Wings was hit as well.

Our staff called us Monday evening and we arrived to total destruction of the hanger and patio on top of a lot of damage to the main building. Thankfully though no one was hurt. We will share more details in the near future but we wanted you to know that Wings will be back soon!! We have already met with our insurance company and when we are back we will be better than ever!!

A new hanger, new stage, new 2nd outdoor bar, some remodeling on the outside and interior. We can't wait to have you all back. Thanks so much for the outpouring of support from the bands, customers, and community. Especially to our amazing staff and "Regulars" (aka friends!). Sometimes your eyes are opened through tragedy, and they have definitely been opened through this experience for Mary and I."

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The Maceks also own and operate a second location of  Wings Sports Bar & Grille after buying and renaming Beef O’Brady’s in the Beaver Valley Shopping Center in Beavercreek in January 2019.

>> RELATED: Beavercreek Wings now open in former Beef O'Brady's location

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