Aaron Phillips on comedy, being the boy version of Vicki from "Small Wonder"

Aaron Phillips' victory at the Winter Comedy Festival last night came with spectacular prizes:  $250, a bottle of Jameson, two cases of Miller Light and a paid weekend at Wiley's.

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

But he wasn't the only winner.

The Oregon District fixture (his family owns Feathers Vintage Clothing and lives in the neighborhood passed out shots of whiskey to the seven other contestants and friends.

Fresh off his victory, I caught up with Aaron today for a little Q and A.

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Hey Aaron, I want to do a follow-up blog post about your victory. Can you answer a few questions?

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson


Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

What is the strangest thing you have ever worked into a joke?

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

I used to do an impression of Bill-Nye-the-Science-Guy-Fieri, which I mercifully retired. It was rough.

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Who makes you laugh?

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

My favorite local comics who make me laugh are Mike Cannestero, Vincent Holiday, Nate Washington and Cincinnati's Jay Armstrong.

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Is there anything that is off limits?

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Nothing should be off limits, but there are subjects that usually stop a show: rape, misogyny, racism, gross-out humor if not done well. I always say I never have a problem if someone tries a shock-value joke. I'm only offended if it wasn't funny.

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

If you could be a character from any '80s sitcom, who would you be?

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

I would love to be a boy version of VICKI from "Small Wonder" or a  girl version of Mr. Belvedere or Willis. I don't know.

Topic Tuesday Amelia Robinson

Ha ha. Both are pretty foxy


Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Anything else you want to add?

Credit: Amelia Robinson

Credit: Amelia Robinson

I wanna give a shout-out to my Columbus comedy people Dorian Vasquez, Mike Hillenski and Kamari Stevens. See you soon!

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