Daytonian of the Week: Paige Beller

Dayton musician Paige Beller seemingly never sleeps. The multi-instrumentalist currently juggles multiple bands while still finding time to involve herself in the community. She’s currently one of the principal organizers of Ladyfest Dayton, a two-day charitable celebration of art, music and film created by women, and has been credited with the event’s resurrection following a three-year hiatus.

>> RELATED: Ladyfest Dayton: celebrate art, women and community

Beller has been good for the city, and the city appears to have been good for her.

We recently caught up with Beller, our Daytonian of the Week.

What do you do?

I am a musician, a songwriter, a volunteer, a server and a contractor.

What superpower would you love to have?


What do you love about life in Dayton?

The ability of the community to come together in times of need, be it cleaning up, raising money for someone’s kid, or just celebrating a birthday. You keep seeing people out at these events and you get to know each other. There’s a weird grimy sense of pride in this little city, and I’ve picked that up in the time that I’ve lived here. Also, I think people sleep on Dayton a little bit when it comes to live music. There’s a lot of real talent packed into a small space.

What’s your favorite spot in Dayton?

The counter at Smokin’ BBQ. Lately, my couch.

Why did you decide to settle in Dayton?

I ended up in Dayton to go to school and then fell in love with the local music scene. At the time I was spending every night at the Nite Owl, meeting people that would teach me a lot of what I know about being an artist and working in this kind of industry.

How did you get involved with your line of work?

I’ve been playing music in bands for half of my life at this point. I can’t imagine not doing it. Volunteering makes me feel good and keeps me productive. Serving pays the bills and taught me how to speak publicly. Contracting lets me hit things with hammers.

If you could change or bring one thing to Dayton, what would it be?

I wish there was more demand for live original music, enough for a venue to thrive. Live entertainment has taken a hit over all and I think it’s hit Dayton pretty hard. There are people who support and host live music in town, but it’s very hard to keep a business afloat based solely on original entertainment. There’s a lot to see but we’re running out of venues to see it in. Luckily, places like Blind Bob’s, Yellow Cab and Oddbodies are still bringing in regional and national acts, as well as still hosting an active, if not small, local music scene.

What do you think Dayton will look like in 10-15 years?

With the Arcade opening up, hopefully Dayton will become an even better place to be an artist. I’m also looking forward to seeing what becomes of the area near the ballpark and Riverscape.

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