Local adventure: Earn bragging rights with Passport to MetroParks program

Though summer 2021 is looking more like summertime in Dayton pre-pandemic, some families might not have had or are just itching for a new local adventure.

Passport to MetroParks is a Five Rivers MetroParks program that’s meant to get families involved in nature education, conservation and outdoor recreation all on their own time and at their own pace. New activities within the program will be added to metroparks.org/passport throughout the summer.

“This is a really great way to get to know your MetroParks,” said Shelli DiFranco, director of marketing and public engagement at Five Rivers. “People will discover many new hidden gems and points of interests by playing Passport to MetroParks.

How to participate in Passport to MetroParks:

-People can find a variety of outdoor activities they can enjoy in a MetroPark, their favorite greenspace or their backyard throughout Five River’s Summer issue of ParkWays, along with new activities periodically added to the blog. Downloadable passports are also available on Five Rivers MetroParks website.

-Look for the Passport logo in ParkWays and the Nature is Open blog to learn how many stamps can be earned for each activity completed.

-Find Passport stamps at metroparks.org/2021-passport-to-metroparks/ as well as in ParkWays. Cut them out and paste them in the passport or use recycled materials, such as paper or cardboard, to create a poster where stamps can be pasted and displayed.

-”Take photos as you complete activities and post them to social media with the hashtag #Passport2MetroParks. We’ll share some of our favorites on MetroParks’ social media channels, too!” stated Five Rivers MetroParks on their website.

“Because there are so many ways to play, both in the parks and at home, you’ll find you can curate your experience to whoever is playing with you,” DiFranco said.

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