Heeere’s Andrew! Dayton getting brand new late-night TV talk show

“There is so much beauty in the city, and there are so many good people who don’t have an outlet,” host says.

The Gem City is about to get a new reason to stay up later.

"Gem City Tonight with Host Andrew Mitakides" is set to premiere on Saturday, Feb. 9  featuring house band Aimee James and the Gems on DATV, according to Melissa Constantine, the public access channel's program director.

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Initially, the show will air 8 p.m. every other Saturday and rebroadcast that following Monday at noon.
Mitakides, a Dayton resident raised in Centerville, said the talk show will be in the tradition of late-night shows hosted by comedy legends like Jay LenoJohn Carson and David Letterman updated for modern times like shows hosted today by Jimmy Fallon and James Corden.

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"There is so much beauty in the city and there are so many good people who don't have an outlet," the graduate of Centerville High School and Virginia's Hampden-Sydney College said. "We are going to highlight the best band we can. The best people."

The prerecorded episodes will feature games, street interviews and visits to locations around the region.

Mitakides, a voice actor and volunteer Waynesville firefighter, said he plans to feature artists, activists, local celebrities and local politicians on the hour-long program.

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"It is really a platform to get as much beauty and joy as possible out there," the 35-year-old son of John and Jane Mitakides of Kettering said.

Andrew Mitakides, a former golf pro, said he returned to the Dayton area at the end of 2015 after college and working full time as an actor on stage and screen in Virginia Beach and Washington, D.C.

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He and his now wife Alexis moved to the Dayton area to be closer to his parents, siblings and nieces and nephews.

“It was a chance to reconnect and come back to the city that gave me life,” he said.

Dayton changed a lot in the 10 years he was gone, he said.

He noted the art scene and the vibrancy that breweries and other newer businesses have brought to Dayton and surrounding communities.

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DATV's last late night show was the Rob Dennis Show.

Dennis died in Sept. 21, 2016 at age 72. 

Mitakides said DATV was considering a new late night show at the same time he was considering doing one.

He and DATV Operations Manager Steve Ross eventually talked about it at a Christmas party.

“Within 24 hours, I went from having a concept to having a show,” he said.

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