Rike's Department store clothing guidelines

Think it's rough that your boss doesn't allow you to wear leggings to work even though it's one of the most popular trends?

Here's a little taste of working in the 1960s, when Rike's Department Store had clothing guidelines for its employees. Below is a memo to all female employees.

Read them and laugh (or weep?) -- and be thankful that most of these don't apply to you.

  1. It is essential that you present a business-like, well-groomed appearance.
  2. New employees should consider following the guidelines while making future purchases.
  3. Special prices on clothing are offered from time to time for employees. Check the local newspapers for deals located in the Employee's Cafeteria.
  4. Watch the fashion displays for new ideas also in the Employee's Cafeteria
  5. It's important for employees to "Be Business-Like and Fashion-Right."
  6. To be a successful business woman you must look the part .
  7. To accomplish the "business look" wear solid colors such as black, grey, navy, dark green, brown or beige.
  8. Accessories are "wardrobe stretchers" that give basic dress a new look.
  9. Fashion colors along with designer styles may be worn in a fashion department such as, The Moraine Shops, Boutiques or Junior Shops.
  10. Fabrics should be heavy enough to not show undergarments.
  11. Always wear a skirt liner with knits.
  12. Necklines should never be too wide or too deep. Dress for modesty while reaching or bending.
  13. Sleeveless dresses should not be worn by mature women.
  14. Buttons of any kind may not be worn if their size is large than a U.S. 5 cent piece.
  15. DON'T chew gum, put a pencil behind your ear, wear too much jewelry, apply make-up or comb hair in the presence of a customer.

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